Refund Policy

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you do not find value in our service, you may request a refund during the first 30 days of your subscription. To cancel your subscription and request a refund, send an email to

DISCLAIMER: If you cancel your subscription within the first 30 days in your account on the website, this will not automatically initiate a refund, you will still need to send a refund request to

 More Information:

  • All premium subscriptions auto renew by default. If you would like to cancel the auto renew feature please email us at You will receive the alerts through the end of your subscription cycle, and then your subscription will automatically cancel.

  • Refunds must be requested during the first 30 days of your premium subscription. We do not give prorated refunds.

  • Auto renewals are nonrefundable because they occur outside of the initial 30-day refund window.

  • If you registered for a free trial you may cancel at any time. If you do not wish to be charged, be sure to cancel before your trial period ends.