How it Works


We Search for Insane Deals

Our experienced team of travel experts scour the web every day to find you the best international deals departing from the US. Using our secret methods to alert you of mistake fares, price wars, and hidden discounts, we do the time consuming task of searching, so that you don’t have to.


We Send Out Alerts

After signing up, you’ll begin receiving emails with great flight deals. Within the emails you’ll find booking instructions as well as everything you need to know before snagging tickets that are so cheap it’ll blow your mind. 


You Save Hundreds

Pomelo Travel subscribers save hundreds of dollars on flights to destinations all over the world. This isn’t an exaggeration. Typical subscribers report saving between $300-$800 per ticket. Our flight deals depart out of airports all over the United States.

Subscribers have saved thousands of dollars!

Past Deals


More than flight deals.

Since 2014 Pomelo Travel has worked to support local community groups, NGO’s, and other projects in Southeast Asia and around the world.

We believe in traveling in a way that not only minimizes the negative impacts that travel can have on these communities, but also celebrates and supports rural ways of life, through advocacy, person-to-person human interaction, and promoting community-based tourism enterprises.

We commit 10% of our profits to these causes.